Monday, July 31, 2006


Some great quotes I came across... umm... Discovered. Read and digest each of these, and think of where they apply to your life.

  • Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way.
  • No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.
  • Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders than the arguments of its opposers.
  • You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.
  • Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.
  • What I do today is important because I am paying a day of my life for it. What I accomplish must be worthwhile because the price is high.
  • It is a funny thing about life: if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it.
  • He who foresees calamities suffers them twice over (<-- God I can relate to that)
  • In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true
  • The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
  • Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
  • There is one thing stronger that all the armies in the world; and that is an idea whose time has come

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Luciano de Crescenzo

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A simple question

A question was posed to me as follows, and I thought the answer worth sharing.

Q: If one truly believes death is the absolute end, what's the point in trying to live a better life?

A: It sure as hell gives me a seratonin and endorphine boost doing so. You will naturally feel better about yourself after you achieve. Junkies and criminals are the saddes people on earth. I seek happiness. Death is irrelevant to how I live.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Infinity and the Universe

Infinity is a pretty simple concept that my 8 year old sister understands. Basically infinity is a shitload of anything/everything, and Wherever or however you view infinity it will always look like a shitload. Look at it from another angle, and its still a whole shitload. Basically its a lot of stuff.

Remember though that the universe to a frog is its pond and whatever may lie beyond. Whatever lies beyond that may not be seen or known about, but we can assume it stretches to infinity because we have not seen its edges. Yet is this logical? When our universe appears to have a beginning (according to Hubble), then it could potentially have an end. The beginning and end may not fit with our human and socially imposed ideas of beginnings and ends because of the nature of time and space (which we know is affected by gravity). It is not difficult then to imagine that a supermassive singularity of gravititional pull could swallow both space and time into a white hole, and then explode it all back out again.

Indeed what is to say there are not other universes outside our own, or even within our own that we cannot see. We exist in 4D, but I have seen theory (M Theory) that suggests the extraverse exists on an 11 dimensional plane. The reaction between membranes of energy in this 11 dimensional extraverse could trigger reactions in certain dimensions such as spawning universes. Spawning a universe may be as common as air molecules here on earth.

Within society we live in a world where its 2006, up is up and down is down. Yet all we have to do is leave our tiny planet and that is no longer true. As such we comprehend everything in our lives through this lexicon, despite being able to comprehend many different ideas some of us still are choked by this very boundary to thought. When we see something that awe's us our human socially conditioned mind attributes it to a great power. This is something societies have done for thousands of years, but it has no bearing on the actual truth. The year is actually something like 4,540,002,006 here on earth and 12,540,002,006 for our universe. A lot can happen in that time, much of which we understand.

A lot has happened to get us where we are, a lot that we can understand. The human mind has unlimited potential if you let go of your every day boundaries.

Friday, July 21, 2006


The hardest part about teaching is you have to allow people to make mistakes. The hardest part about learning is that you have to make mistakes. The most vital part of learning is that you must make mistakes.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Birthday Season

Anyone noticed that this time of year has more birthdays per week than Groundhog day at McDonalds? They're everywhere, everyone got older latley, including me! Although the virtues and advantages of being 22 haven't quite set in just yet, the sunshine is more than making up for it. I have a new car, which has brought a sense of change to my universe. I have a sense that tomorrow I'm going to push a couple of websites in a good direction, and secure a little more private work. Alas my dream of being a freelance "dude" appears to be taking shape.

I've always been able to come up with unique ideas and solve problems. I've always been able to start and finish projects that most would never attempt. The useage of both these talents is something that fits around my need to stay up late and party a whole lot :D

On the other hand I just got an offer to work in Central NJ for quote "Good money". I'm on the launch pad, the question is which direction to explode into.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Childhood values

Thinking whilst on the throne, I remembered an experience from the age of about 6 or 7. We were assembled in the main play hall which seemed absolutely huge at the time, and split into small groups to be taught. At that age, you don't really question why you are no longer in the class room, you just accept the opportunity to be away from the desk.

Gathered around in a group of 5 or so, we were assigned to what appeared to be a teacher, around a small board on which we would stick pieces of paper with words written on them. The catch was that we first had to bid for these words with Monopoly money. The words all represented a value, so for example we could bid for "Good Job", "Nice House", "Good Family", "Good Health", "Happiness". There were two of each, meaning there was an element of competition for what could be considered the best. Here's the twist, I bid all of my money on "Good Job" which of course the Charity worker or whatever she was chose to "talk" with me about. She asked if that really was the best value...

In my best possible articulated words I tried to explain that a Good Job meant I was ambitious, and could thusly afford the Nice House and Good health. The Good Family and Happiness were not something I would ever choose to try to buy with money. Of course she didn't get it, and tried to install the values of happiness over money upon me. I never thought about it until earlier today, but it struck me that we often try to force our values on to others. Even if our values may help them in a myriad of ways. Yet often a person has to experience failure before they are willing to succeed. Not all of us has an inbuilt drive to achieve. It is a lack of compassion that compels us to not allow our loved ones to experience failure, because if we did, even though it is difficult, we would be doing them a service.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thought of the Day

Politics and religion are still only just being separated, and their separation is embryonic at best. Politics by the very nature of the beast sneaks into other areas of life. It would be handy for all involved if we could check the pre-conceptions and preconditions at the door. Yet we are emotional creatures attached to our beliefs like junkies to the drug...

I wanna redecorate my room so bad. I'm a style concious guy living in a room created without style. Its just wrong, nay; a crime!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hotter than 10,000 suns!

Yeah ok so it's warm and you're feeling lathargic? Me too (shh). Chapel Allerton in Leeds is simply stunning, especially in the sun. Sun shine, hot weather, heeeeeat!