So now not only do I have a PC that is infested with Mac OSX and slowly killing the memory of my beloved Vista. It turns out I'm behind the times with this 2006 phenomeonon known as blogging. Am I getting OLD?
Approaching my 25th is strange. Old people who used to be cool when I was younger are now older people who have kids that find them uncool. I always knew this cycle happened, but witnessing it happen is a whole new experience. Honestly, I don't quite know how to feel about this observation. Key candidate for being one of those. Mr Ryan. This "kids today don't get it" thing is big.
It seems people turn thirty, realize they are becoming uncool in the eyes of offspring, but no longer care because their life has moved on. But in their own world, there is still a high school hierachy. We humans are strange.
The definition of cool even changes. We live in a world where men in their 30s, were the MTV Generation. They are no longer cool, but have the exact same culture. In their world they still are too. It's madness. I now get why OAPs love the slow dance thing. That was their rock and roll. Wait, it kinda was rock and roll. Colour me spooked.
Life Eventful?
Yeah. It's reaching the point where I'm activley trying to manage my life. Turns out it's a big freakin task. Lifehacker only helps so much. Can't I outsource that kinda stuff? I actually can't wait for technology to take up my human weakness caused slack. I have a terrible memory. It can only be improved so much by brain training and list making.
Give me a life extension. Like a firefox extension, I just install it into my face, and everytime I want to remember something, I just set the reminder. Can you imagine how much better life would be if you never forgot stuff?
Ahh we can dream.
Last Bank Holiday was MESSY. There are terrible photos, good memories and smiles. Catching up with people is fun, doing it in the sunshine is funè.
I guess it's because life is really good at the moment, and I don't want it to end. Like all things I enjoy, in the midst of enjoyment is the horrible brittle feeling that the emotion will pass soon. Nothing is permenant so we just chase the feeling again.
Words running through my head:
- Bromance.
- Cool new LG Phone
- Aggy is large
- Blame it on the boogie.
- ADD is difficult to manage
- Lots of people in my life at the mo woo.
- Still people I need to catch up with
- Need a PA.
- Wow that was almost coherent.
- Scrubs is shit.
- Need to get into southpark.
- God I wish I could focus.
- The Wii Fit is not a legitimate fitness product
- Annie Parker is the greatest little goo face
- Sunshine feels good to me, plants must love it
- Morrisons has some surprising DVD offers.