Saturday, May 20, 2006

Obscure Alliance

I have found an obscure alliance between achievement and laziness. Laziness dictates that you do nothing, and enjoy life, whereas achievement dictates that do something and forget about enjoyment. What happens when you take the best from both is you enjoy working.

The key is working towards something you enjoy. Now responsibilities will always get in the way, and I will be the first to admit practicalities often get in the way of progress. Yet if we are honest, we are all the best excuse makers in the world. We justify not wanting to do something as not being able to do something. This is a lie to ourselves and a lie to the universe. We can hide the lie from everyone but the validation of achievement. Achievement measures how honest we have been and how hard we have worked.

There is always something we can do. Always a way to progress. We have the choice, the capability we just need to find the desire. This is where we need inspiration. This is what my blog is for. To inspire myself and yourself. Now do something you enjoy, that will benefit you