The very word 'Christianity' is a misunderstanding — in truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross - Friedrich Nietzsche
Ok so that's a little harsh on the Christians, but I've used it to make a point. We often hold ourselves to standards that may not entirely fit who we are.
Honesty is the key to freedom and happiness. The two are mutually linked and inseparable. Trying only to please people shows a mistrust in yourself. Who you are should please them, any actions you take should be natural and honest. Any grooming for social status only serves to make us look weaker. We all make mistakes, we are all human, yet we have been left the impression by past generations that pleasing others will reflect well upon ourselves. We have been lead to believe that servitude is a positive. This is absurd. There are three area's we must consistently work on to ensure our social ability does not hinder our lives. Love for our self Love for others. Responsibility. All THREE are essential. Many people have the last two, and are deeply unhappy without realising until its too late.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The colloquial revolution
There has been an immense amount of hype surrounding the use of blogs and independent media taking over. Much of which is yet to come to fruition, however I did stumble across something the other day that struck me. The tide of authoritative and colloquial news and business speak seems to have turned.
Microsoft have shifted a lot of their focus internally for the XBOX360 to what they are calling "Dev Luv". This is a title that makes corporate emails and is used in business meetings. Ten years ago it would be unimaginable that anyone could stray so far from the accepted norms. Then there was marketing speak, which brought out a new buzzword every week. At last the cultural revolution has begun. Companies have realised they can have a personality, and even be funny, whilst remaining very serious and professional. I predict many will follow this lead, and a LOT can be learned from it.
In our every day dealings we can maintain a strong presence without being aloof or distant. Indeed being aloof now works as a disadvantage; a strong personality is an essential requirement for strong leadership. Do not hide who you are, the social constructs that use to exist to confine us are lifting, and showing personality can be a massive benefit. We are social animals and we should use that gift to our advantage.
Microsoft have shifted a lot of their focus internally for the XBOX360 to what they are calling "Dev Luv". This is a title that makes corporate emails and is used in business meetings. Ten years ago it would be unimaginable that anyone could stray so far from the accepted norms. Then there was marketing speak, which brought out a new buzzword every week. At last the cultural revolution has begun. Companies have realised they can have a personality, and even be funny, whilst remaining very serious and professional. I predict many will follow this lead, and a LOT can be learned from it.
In our every day dealings we can maintain a strong presence without being aloof or distant. Indeed being aloof now works as a disadvantage; a strong personality is an essential requirement for strong leadership. Do not hide who you are, the social constructs that use to exist to confine us are lifting, and showing personality can be a massive benefit. We are social animals and we should use that gift to our advantage.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Actual random thoughts
Ok so the prior post turned into a rant again. I'm a rantalicious type of guy, it makes me happy in my special place. That said I have a lot of energy, and thats because I have a lot of mass (at least 14 stone of mass). Since Einstein says E=mc² which literally means Mass is energy squared by the speed of light. I have an abundence of energy! We really are beings of energy, no matter how physical we appear. That Einstein guy, what a goon but we love him. Classic hair do.
IRC Quote of the day
Pedlya So I got this really big usb drive, and me and my dad are trying to put shit on it.
*Simpe has entered #cancelled
Pedlya my dad said its too big, and I guess it was
Pedlya so my mom comes in and is trying to push it still didnt go in
Pedlya my brother uses his and it fits fine, so we just use his
* Simpe has quit IRC (I dont want to know dude... )
IRC Quote of the day
Pedlya So I got this really big usb drive, and me and my dad are trying to put shit on it.
*Simpe has entered #cancelled
Pedlya my dad said its too big, and I guess it was
Pedlya so my mom comes in and is trying to push it still didnt go in
Pedlya my brother uses his and it fits fine, so we just use his
* Simpe has quit IRC (I dont want to know dude... )
Stream of thoughts
To get the most out of someone you have to be willing to let them fail. You have to put the ball in their hands and empower them to run with it, for better or worse. I have seen and experienced both types of expectation, and from this learned which motivates me better and become a better motivator as a result. In larger companies often being the young enthusiastic and capable newcomer is not as welcomed as it would seem. Even in young projects, anything that involves large scale has Dogma which takes time to assimilate. Plans of action and good coaching whilst seeming like overhead and time wasting to those already at work, are utterly essential to a project keeping focus. Political in fighting within organisations occurs at all levels further abstracting people from the product and their customer. True customer focus large in business is very rare.
In life we often get lost in the quagmire of daily tasks (giggity), instead of keeping focus on our longer term goals. We find ourselves working with the task and completing the task well, but perhaps not always to the best benefit of our overall goal. For example, if we intend to create a piece of software or other product, we work very hard on the site but not the documentation. Then when the customer wants to use the product and it breaks, we spent so much time designing the best product we could that we lost focus of what the customer needs.
What do we need from life, and how does that differ from what we want, or more accurately, what we think we want. Do we need financial discipline when what we want is more money? Do we need to keep perspective when what we want is to get overly involved in a task? In the daily grind of life we loose the bigger picture very easily. Yet one of the most common traits in the successful is to not get lost in the excitement of an idea, to keep the skeptic or third person perspective. Consider other points of view, and how an idea, thought or possibility fits in to the wider world. You may have the greatest most intricate electronics MP3 gadget design ever, but who cares if it costs more than the iPOD and isn't as easy to use? Perspective is essential.
In life we often get lost in the quagmire of daily tasks (giggity), instead of keeping focus on our longer term goals. We find ourselves working with the task and completing the task well, but perhaps not always to the best benefit of our overall goal. For example, if we intend to create a piece of software or other product, we work very hard on the site but not the documentation. Then when the customer wants to use the product and it breaks, we spent so much time designing the best product we could that we lost focus of what the customer needs.
What do we need from life, and how does that differ from what we want, or more accurately, what we think we want. Do we need financial discipline when what we want is more money? Do we need to keep perspective when what we want is to get overly involved in a task? In the daily grind of life we loose the bigger picture very easily. Yet one of the most common traits in the successful is to not get lost in the excitement of an idea, to keep the skeptic or third person perspective. Consider other points of view, and how an idea, thought or possibility fits in to the wider world. You may have the greatest most intricate electronics MP3 gadget design ever, but who cares if it costs more than the iPOD and isn't as easy to use? Perspective is essential.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
A question
The question Does consciousness arise from the universe, or does the universe arise from consciousness?
They are one and the same thing, the universe exists with rules laws and conciousness inherant. Life itself is an extension of universal conciousness. Realising that the universe holds all the answers already allows you to stop looking for them and to start seeing them. To use a programming analogy, its like when you stop working on the bug thats been annoying you all day and you go to sleep, then the answer hits you. Your mind, body and supra concious (I dislike the term subconcious) are tuned into the universe in ways your five senses cannot perceive. When we act on instinct and live in the now, we achieve far greater perspective than we have stuck in our intellectual frontal lobe.
They are one and the same thing, the universe exists with rules laws and conciousness inherant. Life itself is an extension of universal conciousness. Realising that the universe holds all the answers already allows you to stop looking for them and to start seeing them. To use a programming analogy, its like when you stop working on the bug thats been annoying you all day and you go to sleep, then the answer hits you. Your mind, body and supra concious (I dislike the term subconcious) are tuned into the universe in ways your five senses cannot perceive. When we act on instinct and live in the now, we achieve far greater perspective than we have stuck in our intellectual frontal lobe.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I have been drinking Mountain Dew and watching both The Boondocks and Robot Chicken an awful lot lately. This may not sound strange unless you know I reside in the UK where none of the above is widely available. There is great comedy out there that is being missed people! This isn't right, its left of Che Guverra! Damn lefties with their leftorium and left handed scissors. I'm still confused over the whole Aqua Teen Hunger Force thing though. To me this show looks like a recipe for loosing my face in a freak confusion incident involving a sledgehammer. You know, when a show is so odd on first viewing that you really do feel like the guy in the lovely picture? (Which shall henceforth be known as "the lovely picture".
Anyhoo, slap any of the aforementioned odities into wikipedia and/or if you are a fan of the whacky and the odd. Then head to and order yourself a crate of Mountain Dew. Only THEN can you call yourself Mr Duckypants.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Charm is an interesting word, its one which carries different meanings for different people. Usually it is held in a positive light, but with a wink at the negative; yet still liked. The interesting character of the word leads well to its use in social situations. What is it about the charming, the crafty and the behavior that would be unacceptable if it were not pulled of well? Why does it affect us like it does, and why is it a useful tool in our arsenal of social success?
Charm seems counter-intuitive, being purposefully cheeky with the intention of being liked. Or on the other hand, being purposefully caring and attentive but from a position of social dominance. Why is it we appreciate someone who can convey their social superiority without actively challenging us? Well, it would appear the answer is exactly that. We can not be jealous of those who are charming because they have "groomed" us as it were, by acting in a way we will appreciate. They slide straight through the radar of mistrust we hold for strangers and assure us with a sense of familiarity.
Familiarity breeds contempt, yet that contempt in most healthy social relationships takes a playful form and is not meant. Our politeness to long term acquaintances and friends often has a hint of familiar humor. When we as social animals can trigger these reactions within moments of meeting complete strangers we have at our disposal a very useful tool. The good news is that charm can be learned, like all behavior it is intrinsically learned. We are either taught by our environment growing up that charm is a successful trait, or we choose to incorporate it into who we are.
This means, that at all times our posture should be strong, and that if we do supplicate/help someone else we ensure they know our time is valuable and not free. They in turn will value our help more. We should be conscious of our facial expressions and learn what social triggers we can achieve with a half smile, the use of eyebrow raises and chin positioning. Our social circle is our playing ground, we can hold any position in that circle we wish to have. Among new people it is even easier, assume you hold all the cards to their potential success and realize they would not even be interacting with you if they did not have something to gain. You have unlimited power, unlimited potential; awaken your charm and live easier.
Charm seems counter-intuitive, being purposefully cheeky with the intention of being liked. Or on the other hand, being purposefully caring and attentive but from a position of social dominance. Why is it we appreciate someone who can convey their social superiority without actively challenging us? Well, it would appear the answer is exactly that. We can not be jealous of those who are charming because they have "groomed" us as it were, by acting in a way we will appreciate. They slide straight through the radar of mistrust we hold for strangers and assure us with a sense of familiarity.
Familiarity breeds contempt, yet that contempt in most healthy social relationships takes a playful form and is not meant. Our politeness to long term acquaintances and friends often has a hint of familiar humor. When we as social animals can trigger these reactions within moments of meeting complete strangers we have at our disposal a very useful tool. The good news is that charm can be learned, like all behavior it is intrinsically learned. We are either taught by our environment growing up that charm is a successful trait, or we choose to incorporate it into who we are.
This means, that at all times our posture should be strong, and that if we do supplicate/help someone else we ensure they know our time is valuable and not free. They in turn will value our help more. We should be conscious of our facial expressions and learn what social triggers we can achieve with a half smile, the use of eyebrow raises and chin positioning. Our social circle is our playing ground, we can hold any position in that circle we wish to have. Among new people it is even easier, assume you hold all the cards to their potential success and realize they would not even be interacting with you if they did not have something to gain. You have unlimited power, unlimited potential; awaken your charm and live easier.
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