Friday, November 23, 2007

Life & The people in it

Food for thought in a world starving itself of cognitive excercise. We have the intellectual capacity to learn and analyse and we don't. Pissing in the wind is futile and makes you smelly. Yet en massè we persist.

Silence is golden, but a wall of silence is a pure golden shower of regret. Breaking silence and honestly communicating DESIRES, HOPES and the way FORWARD are never bad. The more two sides of a debate dont communicate, the more paranoia makes them hate each other. Ever noticed that? That when someone falls out with someone else... The actual reason gets left behind and all these extra things get thrown into the pot and given a good stir. "Oh well, yeah, but Im pretty sure you were up to something too, and dont act like you werent!"... Type statements are bullshit.

There is pretty much no situation where thinking you know, is an adequate substitute for KNOWING. Acting on what you *think* you know is intrinsically STUPID. The lesson for all us mortals venturing down this fragile road is that sometimes perspective beats agenda. If you think someone hates you, they don't; usually... Unless you are from westlife.

Simplicity is a beautiful thing. Mundane has such negative connotations, but did you ever hear of someone who enjoyed a "complex" relationship? Simplicity comes from honesty, and that honesty needs to turn inwards occasionally.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vile over the top rant. Read in context. You are warned.

The following is an excercise in ranting. It is unreasoble and biased. React.

Children in Need angers me. Not so much that they're a charity, or even a televised marthon of people failing to entertain me. Its the false excitement that everyone puts on for the whole thing.

It's like Hen nights, or office fancy dress parties. Its those without a sense of humour attempting to be zany and energetic. It brings out creatures who really should stay inside, continue watching daytime TV and over eating. "OOO look at me, Im so zany and crazy". People who SAY that shit, are doing so to compensate for a lack of personality. Personality isn't difficult. Observe a musing plucked from thin air.

"Why when you go to a club do you call it clubbing? It suggests violence and fails to deliver. Have you ever seen a club with the lights off? They're such a let down. Like some women without makeup. Lesson for the day. True value lasts, regardless of the light levels".

See? EASY. Interesting, mildly funny, and MOST importantly ORIGINAL.

Why the fuck are TV cast members trying to sing songs from the 60s about getting high? How is that going to make me donate? They keep pointing out that people don't donate while they are being entertained. I'm being bored to fucking tears, and I keep watching out of morbid curiosity. How low can this thing go. Then they throw on some reformed boyband that lacks talent, or the latest X factor wannabe. OUCH

Don't get me started on the constant cheering. TV shows clap at EVERYTHING. Have you ever tried to clap along with a tv show? Try it. It will make you want to stab seals. All this stuff is the norm, all this stuff we accept because we're used to it. Like the laughter track on comedy shows.

Middle aged, middle of the road, mildly zany, mild entertainment causes such rage in me. Dressing up makes them look FAT, struggling to say "I spent all day in custard" makes them look stupid AND FAT. Being ugly and fat on TV after sitting in custard all day makes their life pointless. Die.

There are proven ways to make money. Chances are you make more outside ASDA with a bucket than you ever will sitting in beans (Unless you have rich friends and good guilt strings). People do the sitting in beans, and then BRAG about it. "I sat in beans! Will you give me money?". Did I miss the memo, or does that make no sense whatsoever? You sat in beans, haha, you dumbass.

Hen nights should fuck off.

Why is there always ONE hot girl, and the rest ugly? Why do they use this occasion to be really "outrageous" and pinch my ass, or ask me why I have long hair. Their lives are insignificant to me. I will never see them again. They're ugly, agressivley medicore and have probably never voted. I dont want to interact with these people.

Noodles are shit. Whats the fucking point? They taste like cardboard.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Spot the NLP

When women are holding out sex they think they are saying "I am powerful, you want me despite me not having sex with you". What they're actually saying is "The only power I have, is the biology I was born with". Not realising what a huge turn off that is.

There are two stereotypes that must first be addressed. Firstly. Yes there are a lot of guys out there who are just after sex, and will manipulate to do so. Being burned by this a girl quickly learns that if she holds out those guys that SHE DOESNT WANT, stay interested in her. She is now successfully failing and getting what she wants. Secondly. Yes there are a lot of girls who sleep around to make themselves feel better about being unable to make a connection with someone. They replace the emotional black hole with a sexual rainbow. Like any drug however, the endorphines released during sex only last so long...

Now with those two out of the way, we are left with sensible, rational people who see the trappings most fall into. Either we have the physical and not the mental, or we try have the mental but it isn't sealed with the physical. Without a bridge you can't cross a river, so to get what we want we have to balance both on some levels.

I want YOU to take on board this message. Its time to stop fearing life and start LIVING it.

I am not judging those who have sex for sport. More power to them, so long as they're doing it with the right frame of mind. Nor do I judge those who hold out. I am however convinced both types of people are doing so based on false beleif and flat out WRONG logic.

Just as you cannot have yin without yang, up without down, wrong without right. You cannot realistically head into any "romantic" relationship without the harmony produced when the physical and mental combine. Fear causes us to not commit, or over commit and worry a lot. It is this fear that then leads to the dimise of relationships. The fear then grows stronger. The only thing that comes from fear is MORE FEAR. Our task is to take a risk.

Like a handshake, or a dance, or any ritual one leads the other follows. Without equal hope and equal intention the handshake doesn't happen, the dance is out of time and the ritual is broken. Imagine if we were scared to handshake someone, put our hand out but then retracted it out of fear. Not once, but consistently. The other person would pretty soon (understandably) be pissed off.

This metaphor works for both the physical and mental aspects of relationships. Men often enter and are driven by their hormones to persue the physical relationship. They attempt to do this by offering some level of emotional connection. They are however using this as a device to get the physical, which they *think* is their goal.

Women often are driven by their hormones to persue the emotional relationship. They attempt to do this by offering some level of physical connection. They are however using this as a device to get the emotional. Which they *think* is their goal. This is what they mean when they say men are from Mars, women; Venus.

What a stupid saying. We both live on earth, and we should be in harmony. Deep down we all want both. As a species its time to be honest about desires. We have a habit of dancing around the truth. Why not express the truth and then dance in joy? Seems much more fun!

Attraction, Flirtation, Euphoria, Doubt and Truth are the five elements we progress through. Most of us go through the first 4, for the duration of a relationship because we never realise the truth, we never share our truth and so we can never live it. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy can they PLEASE make that clear to each other? There is nothing to lose but that which was never to be anyway. Which is a good thing to lose!

I want YOU to take on board this message. Its time to stop fearing life and start LIVING it.

The thrill of communicating has been lost. That heart pumping, world shaking mixture of anxiety and hope that reminds you you're alive, is an essential part of living. Our generation seems to afraid to live. We live in a world scarred by divorce and the cautionary tales of those who lived with fear but never learned from it. Every person, project or idea is an investment. Its up to your instincts, experience and intelligence to decide if that investment is worth your time and will pay off. If every fibre in you says yes and ONLY FEAR is saying no... Destroy fear.

Only those who dare to fail will ever succeed. You cannot win a race in bubblewrap. Persistence and hope in combinations are rare virtues of the successful. Yet many have walked that path, and here we sit, afraid to take the steps others have taken before us. The successful blazed a trail, by never failing to succeed. If we only took the chance. If we only took the risk. If we only considered what scares us.

Why all these ifs? Why are we stuck in Wet Sand we imagined into existence? Why do we find justification in consistently failing? Why do I keep writing with rhetorical questions?

Because I want YOU to take on board this message. Its time to stop fearing life and start LIVING it.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

False beliefs & How they affect YOO

Wouldn't it be cool if there were goggles you could put on that made everything just work?

Kinda like those X-Ray lenses from 50s comics, except not for being a perv.

As a specs wearer I'd like to share a little known fact. Maybe is just me being retarded but I think its a species thing. After wearing specs for a long enough time period you completley forget they are there. They improve your vision, they make life better in a lot of ways... and at first can be a little annoying to get used to.

Anyone who can see where I'm going with this already wins 10 cool points.

Walking around on a daily basis, most of humanity is short sighted. They are focussed on todays problems. Does this sound familiar? All the little things going wrong?

STOP right now, thank you very much (I need somebody with a spice girl touch...)...

STOPPING that common mistake will set you apart from everyone else. All it takes is a little perspective and reframing.

There is also an added advantage to you stopping that behaviour. Everyone else who is still short sighted can borrow your specs. They will thank you so much! You have allowed them to see the worlds true beauty. Its called perspective, and its incredibly valueable.

People are enticed by a person with perspective. We all need a strong voice to tell us everything is going to be ok. One that can tell us why as well?! Wow. Well they are heroes that give 60s Batman a run for his money.

Now lets break this down into male and female:

Male false beliefs
-Men are naturally competing on some level.
-Men are petrified of rejection
-Men tie their value to social standing
-Men fear being exposed and will not share their fears.

There is so much wrong with the above. We value one aspect of ourselves above "most guys". Looks, status, intelligence. Something. Men are suprisingly helpful and useful in a brootherhood. Brotherhood is the least tapped resource, and the most successful. The community is a good start, however men working together is a key to success. Unlock it to achieve.

Rejection is merley a missed opporunity. Things that don't happen are of no relevance. Only things that happen and have real world impact are of any REAL use to us. These are the things we MUST focus on. Focussing on the negative doesn't ACHIEVE anything and is a WASTE of time. Why would you want to WASTE time? What a strange concept.

Men tying their value to social proof has a lot to do with the "pecking order" concept. A false construct. We each have a unique talent where it is ideal for us to lead. There are also times when it is benificial for is to follow a stronger leader. We GAIN from that. Being the man who can choose when he wants to lead and doesn't let his ego stop him from following is POWERFUL, and wins RESPECT very quickly. Try it.

Fear of exposure can only exist if you are putting on a front. In effect you can only fear revealing something about yourself if you are pretending to be something you are not. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? Whats more... exposing who you are and depricating WINS friends and RESPECT. People can relate to it and want to be with someone who has the CONFIDENCE to expose that.

Female false beliefs
-Women compete physically
-Women fear judgement by other women
-Women fear being exposed as "fake" and will not share fears easily, especially with guys
-Women fear taking social risks

Competing with other peoples looks is like running to beat an olympic athlete rather than to get fit. It's the wrong way to go about things. You will end up exhausted and not achieve anything. You don't want to make silly decisions. Make the right decision for YOU. What suits YOU. The key is indentity and sexuality.

Women can be mean to other women, mainly due to fearing judgement themselves. Social standards dictate that a woman cannot be strong. Social standards dictate that a woman can't make her own decisions. Social standards inprison women. Yet they are inforced mostly BY WOMEN WHO FEAR JUDGEMENT! This is such a strange concept. SCREW social standards. Women are just as free as men and should NEVER be judged for decisions they take. We as men should support them 100% in this.

Fear of exposure can only exist if you are putting on a front. In effect you can only fear revealing something about yourself if you are pretending to be something you are not. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? Whats more... exposing who you are and depricating WINS friends and RESPECT. People can relate to it and want to be with someone who has the CONFIDENCE to expose that. (Yes this needed repeating)

Risk = Achievement. Its a simple formula. Yet women will shy away from it. So will men. We live in our comfortable world restrained by an Ego and Fear which does not allow us to be WHO WE ARE. It does not allow us to EXPRESS OURSELVES. It is not TRUE. It is not REAL. It is fear. Yet we won't say hi to that girl or guy we like. We won't express our feelings. This HAS TO STOP.

Express yourself to everyone. Put on those perspective spectacles.

Send me ten dollah.