Anyone who doesn't understand the title may not follow the prose. That's not an instruction, merley a tip.
I feel a rage towards the internet that only comes at that time of the month... The time when the fair useage policy kicks in. The time when nothing is simple, and everything becomes instantly annoying.
I decided to learn how to write a facebook application. Not because I thought it would be free of difficulty, but I enjoy the reward of achievement. The "step by step" guide is more than a little confusing. It could really use a few more screenshots. I spent an hour setting up all the stuff you have to do in facebook, all the forms you have to fill in to make an application. Its a tad more complicated than an event. Still, once you get through it all, it is quite clever.
I am now, 24 hours later, at the exact same stage I was yesterday. I have a god damn PHP error that shouldn't be there. No idea where its coming from. It certainly isn't from where it says its coming from. All I want is an application that will say hello to me!
On the back of this, I decided to hit the geek boards. These guys know this stuff, and will be useful. Neglecting to realise in the last 5 years geeks went from knowledgeable PC users to FUCKING RETARDS with a PC.
Half the internet spends more time watching files download, and then posting the status of the file download, than playing the thing they downloaded yesterday. If that isn't stupid, stupid needs tochanging in the dictionary
WHY, randomly, at 8pm does my PC decide I know, I'm going to BREAK MSN, and make the internet go REALLY slow. Not in terms of downloading, just websites... you know... the stuff you like. I swear the thing knows. Does giving the machine sentience make it a more paletable adversary, or give it too much credit? I'm not sure. I do know that I want to break the fucking thing.
Speaking of spirits. Time for a good old fashioned dose of what is. When you are interested in self help, marketing and philosophy/politics. You here the word "revolution" every 30 seconds. There are a lot of people going round in circles it seems. Preferring to claim to know all ultimate truths, rather than having the humility to accept that they don't. I'm beginning to think it comes from mania. The psychology of everything being more important and bolder than it actually is.
Perspective is an interesting thing. Those who argue for you to change yours, often cannot change their own. In learning to defeat the arguments of others, people leave themselves outflanked. The heat of the defender burns their own attack. The only way to know something, is for it to stand up to repeated tests and experimentation. Everything else is conjecture. Knowing that your own bullshit, is no better than anyone elses is the best starting place for discussion.
What happened to summer? There wasn't one this year. I want a raffle ticket. I need to win something. Be safe.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
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