Somethings you don’t forgive somethings you don’t forgetSpin out of control.
Sometimes the fate you suffer is so much worse than death
We’re way off course now and we’re drifting out to sea
So cut the anchor on your heart to be set free, set free, set free
Spin out of control
Spin out of control
We try to recover, but collide with each other
We spin out of control

So I've spent most of the day learning about cloud networking, and the various layers of abstraction involved with it. It is needless to say quite interesting for a geek like me.
Unquestionably the future of the wibbly wobbly is centered around "trust". Also known as security. The easiest way to achieve trust is with a brand like Google or Amazon. Which is why companies like that are opening up their platforms as a cloud network, and then leasing those out as required.
Still, if we can't decide what a cloud is (beyond the concept) or should look like. How can we trust it?
We're reaching a point where it's becoming difficult to profit from creating the structure of a cloud network. A lot of the non profit organisations don't have corporate support, and the corporations want you to pay them. There are a lot of interesting visions for how to get the web from a data management tool, to an information based tool. The ability to link together not with key words but by the relative similarity between two pieces of information.
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