Yes that's a kung fu squirrel...
The cold is wearing off, the panic and shock to the system of having to be up at 7am, working like a dog all day, then hitting the gym, then trying to have an evening... is finally letting up.
When something is rare, we tend to value it more. Except steak, that always has to be medium rare to be perfect. My point is; I've been busy, its the weekend & by God am I glad that first week is out of the way. Why I had to have the worst cold in a long time, during my first week of work in a long time I'm still unsure. It is mighty cruel though.
Things I've noticed. Getting up early is as easy as putting on a pair of trousers. It's an old habit, that even if neglected for a little while just falls right back into place. Kudos to my Mum for making me go to school for all those years. Mad respek.
For the first few days I was in a virus and shock laden bubble. Nothing in the world seemed the same as before. It was always dark & I had way less energy. Which sucked, because I like being me. It's fun, you get to look at life from a funny angle and go "heh, that's weird" a lot. Which is just about my favourite thing outside Malteasers, and a good hips to waist ratio (you'd think those two are diametrically opposed, but no!).
Going into an office where everyone is overworked and super busy is a new experience. A growing company is a great place to be for your career & the kind of company that buys a Nintendo Wii as a raffle prize to raise money for comic relief... clearly is ahead of the curve. (Ohh, cliché, £1 in the cliché tin).
Which leads me to; it took THREE days before I heard a management cliché! No blue sky thinking, or outside the box crap. No synergy, very little touching base. It's a good sign because people are being direct. Not the kind of being direct that is a "core coporate value". The kind of direct where you ask someone to look at a database and they tell you "It's broken, I will when it's fixed". Respek nummer two.
Now for a little break in my rant. Breathe. Take a little look out of the window. Yeah go on, it's a nice enough day. Think about animals. I enjoy doing that.
So where do I go from here? Coventry? Alaska? The dark side of the moon?
Well promotion is earned not given. It takes daily effort & I'm more than happy to put that in. Can I? Will I? With every fibre in my body I'll push. If there's something to learn, google has the answers, the overviews & templates done by other people to steal. Living in the information age means knowing the question is now as important if not more so than knowing the answer. Fingers crossed. X marks the spot.
Bowie has an arch nemesis. He is a squirrel that taunts her just outside of my window every morning. He is very well fed and knows she cannot escape. Sometimes she rams her head against the glass.
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