Looking through old photos on facebook in the sunshine is me savouring the after taste of great moments.
Listening to some amazing music over the top is quite possibly my favourite thing except clouds. Travelling back from London last Friday was one of those train journeys where you end up making stories out of the cloud formations. Don't get me wrong, GQ was perfectly interesting, with its amusing lists, and facts about bears going crazy when you give them toothpaste. It could not compete with the cloud, and Mp3 player combination.
Compared with even a year ago life is so much better. I mean sure the economy went to shit, and I have more debt than I did, but things are going well. So well that during the train ride I mentioned above the following idea hit. Why on earth aren't major coporates delivering content over IP solutions? There are risks being first to market, but c'mon, Apple proved so long as the interface is right it will sell, even if it lacks features.
Geeks inherited the earth, and ruined it. Well ok, so movies got better, but the way we market technology is all numbers. Men in their 30s used to be playing their commadore 64 as kids, and now have marketing, or software jobs. So the geek has changed, and gone more underground, bitching and whining about how every movie isn't the same as the comic or cartoon. They must now compete to be more of an outcast, to be geek cool.
I want a new phone. The LG arena looks pretty.
That's about how much thought has gone in to it, that and I really like thier Michael Jackson remix on the advert. So yeah, Content-over-IP google? You can buy the idea off me (even though I just gave it away, and it's probably been thought of and has technology / lack of investment issues). But Google can fix it. They're like Jimmy Savile for the post .com era.
Buying a new watch and 3 new shirts made me feel badass. There is an argument that says as a result I'm fickle. But if I feel better, and look better, and can afford it... is it a bad thing? Materialism does go too deep with some, but the high minded outrage it provokes is painful.
I'm in limbo between capeable, experied 30 something who has been there done that, and quite content to raise a family & a raging party animal. The duality is interesting to experience, and just as interesting to step back from and go "woah". I mean Asher Roth is 2 years younger than me! I'm getting old by social standards, and if not certainly by media standards, yet I feel like I'm only just hitting my stride. Late bloomer WHUT.