I love getting phone calls from excited people too. Annie wins in the excited phone call wars. "I'm just riding my bike, it's so exciting!!!". Maybe it's because its Spring time, maybe it's something to do with the economy, or maybe its pure coincidence... but there seems to be an abundance of happy around at the moment. Kudos to Karma.
The new Star Trek film got the Heroes / Lost makeover from JJ Abrahams who is brilliant at the human side to a story, but I'm pretty glad they didn't let his imagination run wild and kept to some canon in there. Reliably, Sorah informs me that it is to the Star Trek franchise what Begins was to the Batman franchise. The key for me was the casting of Pegg, who doesn't take bad roles unless he wrote it.
The SCIENCE album by Incubus doesn't get enough love. It's been one of those weeks where you need new music in your life (and by new, I mean music you haven't heard before, or in a while. Instead of whatever tripe some children in Kent just came up with). Currently digging asleep in the bread aisle by Asher Roth (who must be named after Asteroth the Soul Calibur character). As well as Deadmau5's album, which is both funky, and chunky sounding.
This has been my stream of conciousness.
Pegg was pretty brilliant as Scotty.
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