Inspiration is a wonderful idea. Depending on how cynical you feel today, it's either that aspirational poster on your bosses office, or it's that spark of mania where you believe you are actually Jesus and about to solve world poverty with a stick.
As the world gets smaller, we temporarily lost our local influences and culture has spread across borders. We in the West can now dine around the world, within 5 minutes of any major city center. We are also truly multicultural, not without problems... but we do live among each other. You mesh all that together and mix it up, and the mashups of creativity are yeilding aweomeness like; Bollywood Dubstep, Chinese cinematic epics and Russians singing Katie Perry.
If that's not entertainment nothing is!
For some this happened in the horrible, corporate way. The British Pub in Disney Epcot is a shining example of what is not culture. Initially Culture was dominated by the Music and Movie industries. The internet has had an interesting decentralising role. By giving power back to the little guy. The best little guy's in the world, are getting famous!
The value in real influence is however greater than ever. If you sort through the populist chaff, and there is some very wholesome influence available.
What influences you? Here's my (short & not in order) list:
Battlestar Galactica
Epic Video Game Music
Ceasar Milan
Reading books
Diversify what you see, hear, feel, taste, touch and smell and you will automatically become more creative. Inspiration. Where do you get yours?
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
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