The good news is all is not lost, the note taking & reading is still going on behind the scenes. I also fully intend to finish this mini rant with an amusing picture that fits in with the current greenish blogger theme I got goin on. Those ideas are still in me, it's just taking a little time to adjust to the idea of listening to Chris Moyles in the morning. Talking about the football last night, and getting on with work.
Yes it feels a bit routine already... but it won't for long. I have a few ideas on how to shake things up a bit.
Comic relief apprentice was amazing. Just as I typed that, D walks in and tells me about Cherly Cole being in tonights episode. Why not multiply the awesome by itself. So that it becomes awesome to the power of awesome... squared. Like so: Awesome²
Been thinking.
- Macs offer the false utopia of a police state.
- Linux is anarchy with pockets of good tyrannical socialism
- Windows is democratic, flawed warts and all... but ultimatley more capeable and flexible for those who know how to rise above the crowd, and a good choice for those who don't.
Maybe you should have your Geek IQ measured. If it's low get a Mac because they are pretty and allow you to be iCool. If it's super high use Linux so you feel as superior as a Lion in a smokers jacket (how much would THAT rock). If you don't give a shit. Be like Pharell Williams. I'm a PC, because I like to tinker just when it's nessasary or feel like it... but have the rest done for me, because I'm a straight up pimp YA HERRRD?!
Doctor Doctor. I'm about to tell a formulaic joke.
A book with owls on the front cover, written by a guy called "O REILY"
This stuff writes itself.
Mate, they make a whole series of those books. Imagine how much I chuckled the first time I ever saw one. Should still have one laying around at my dads somewhere.
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