Some helpful Resources
Rockstars vs Narcissists is a great piece by @BrettBorders who breaks down the two main schools of thought for twitter user. Be helpful vs Broadcast your life to people whether they like it or not.
ChrisBrogan.com sums up what is right about the Social Media movement, and is basically the poster boy. I have a raging hetro geek crush on him.
It's not just individuals that can be helpful. Kublax a service similar to mint.com will give you stats about where you spend your money based on your bank account details. What's more their blog is lifehacker.com levels of helpful, but in more depth.
Speaking of lifehacker.com I've written far more akward and long winded posts than this one, on how you can pretty much learn anything these days from Google / Wikipedia. Add lifehacker to those tools.
All Problems can be Solved:
Try it yourself. What is bugging you right now? The car needs fixing? Don't have enough spare cash? Need to make more space around the house?
Go type that into Google. The revolution has already happened, now you just gotta learn how to make the best use of it!
If this post is teaching you to suck eggs and lacks that cynical edge I tend to specialise in, good you're already there. You are already able to use the "Web 2.0" to its full potential. There is a lot to be said for admitting when we suck, and the ability to write in a clear and helpful way is something that I had to try.
Now for our regularly scheduled programming. Some random thoughts:
Felicity is a great name.
Mashable rock.
I'm starting to like punk music again.
Double Sailor Jerrys + Cola is a tasty way to a hangover.
My Mum is the sweetest person alive: Fact.
The whole world is one big cadburys cream egg