Thursday, December 20, 2007

Passion of the Sy: Music

Everyone likes music. Wait, I''l rephrase, everyone likes certain sounds that follow a mathematically interesting pattern. The difference between the two is passion. Passion and enjoyment are often mistaken for each other. Time for a little defintion.

Enjoyment is a lighthearted cheeky wank of a word. Often without the mess, unless it involves Ice Cream. Interestingly though the way most people appear to enjoy music is on a similar level to the way we all like Ice Cream. Enjoyment is an indulgence we either opt for, or happen upon and consume. As a species we are consumers of enjoyment. Enjoyment however is a fickle short term emotion, lasting roughly 3 minutes on average (Studies from Arcade machines, Pop Song producers and commercial advertisers show as much).

To really be involved in life we need Passion. Passion is the difference between existing and living.

Passion has a tendency to be all consuming. Passion is hard to reign in. Passion can be too much to take, and therin lies its beauty and magnificence. Many of the best things in life are those we have to work for. A wank is fun, but hours of sensuality requires passion.

Now we're back at music, and the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a passive activity, which draws us in with an interesting sound. When we hear something we are compelled to move to it. A loud song, in an exciteable environment is intoxicating in the same way a drug is. We then associate positive times with that song, and will buy the product.

Listening is a much more private affair. Listening requires effort on the part of the person, and requires them to question their own tastes REGULARLY. To listen you have to invest your time in each part of the noise. The words, the beat, the melody, the instruments. Then completley forget that you dissected it and enjoy the whole. Then how the lyrics link with the melody, then the emotional impact and lastly if you LEARNED anything from the song. Did it teach you something, did it articulate something for you? Did it help you understand and enjoy life more?

All these things are the hallmarks of truly amazing music, and music that can truly amaze you with just a little bit of effort. If you have never googled song lyrics, chances are you are missing one of life's little treats. Are you one of those people who never knows the words to songs (beyond the catchy chorus)? Maybe its time to give music another chance.

To me the very thought is heresy (herr-essy - it means something really bad :p). When you have lived with this passion in your life (or any passion) how could you not devote more of your life to doing so?