Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The stuff we do.

So today I installed OSX the Mac operating system on a spare bit of hard disk space I have. The problem is, that spare bit is quite small. So installing anything else isn't going to happen. On a PC I'd just install that to another drive or partition. But noooo, its a Mac, it just FAILS. I mean works...

I was even going to do something as simple as change where firefox downloads files to. Then it dawned on me. What no file menu? What kind of a sick OS doesn't give you any options for customisation.

Macs do "just work" provided you are going to do nothing but use software. Start doing anything creative, add in some more powerful hardware and it fails. No wonder Apple always made their own hardware. Microsoft did something incredible with Windows. They made it work with 95% of hardware out of the box.

So why would I embark on such a strange task you ask? Well I wanted to develop an iphone app and have a play. I may just concentrate on the blackberry side to start with. Why? Because it's not Apple nazi-fied.


Tom Davenport said...

How do you mean no file menu? Click the name of the app for preferences (or shortcut+[comma])