Identify your passion. - Target - Jan 31st
The key thing here is not to get bogged down in "What should I do with my life". Instead focus on what you've already done, what you liked about it. Make a list of the top 10 things you ever did. Here's a sample:
For Example
What?: Visited Vegas.
Why?: Got an invite at 2am and by 7am was on a flight.
How did it make you feel?: Alive, happy, free.
What about the experience would you like to repeat?: The travel, meeting people, doing business outside of the office confines.
Repeat this exercise for anything that stands out when you look back on your life. From there you can build a picture of what lights your fire.
You are now a step closer to making 2010 your own.
Points Make Prizes
- + 10 points for every example you create (Maximum 100 pts available)
Plan to make 2010 Yours - Get a Network - Ongoing Task
You now know what you are good at. What are you not good at? This is a harder question to answer than you might think. Who out there will give you a fair appraisal without pulling punches?
The beauty of humanity is despite our inability to be great at everything as individuals, we can use networks to achieve amazing things. You need a network to make 2010 yours
You can get a job by happening to meet the right person, and getting lucky. But you can create your own luck by knowing who you need to meet, where they hang out, and who can introduce you. What is your plan? Who can you network with to get where you need to be?
A couple of good ways to get noticed:
Boost your CV / Resume with Social Networking
Find the kind of job you dream about
Points Make Prizes
- +1 Point for Every Twitter follower
- +5 Points for everyone you meet (Maximum 100 Pts available)
Plan to make 2010 Yours - Get a Mentor - Target Feb 28th 2010
Find a Mentor. One of the great joys about having achieved success is spotting talent and helping them achieve too. Giving away your knowledge to those who can use it, is about the most rewarding thing you can do.
A Mentor can give you feedback, will have a network, and will be able to help you build yours. These people can open doors for you, but you have to walk through it. Who is your mentor? Is there someone in the Network you have built?
Points Make Prizes
- +100 Points for Finding A Mentor (Maximum 100 Pts available)
Plan to make 2010 Yours - Make something happen - Target March 31st
This may sound quite vague, but taking action is the key to progress. How can you use that?
- Organise an event
- Travel
- Attend conferences
- Help people in your Network
- Read about your passions
- Make Lists / Set Goals
It's when you get out there among people, that things happen. As much as Social Networking opens the door, face to face seals the deal. Many of you will have done much if not all of the above before... but 2010 is an opportunity to attack this thing.
- What is your Passion?
- Do you Have a Network?
- Do you Have a Mentor?
- What can you Make Happen?
- +1000 Pts for creating an event
- +100 Pts for Attending events
- +10 Pts for Every Book Completed
Have a Great 2010! Remember this is something ongoing, a little competition never hurt anyone, but consistency is more important than what you achieve tomorrow. Think long term and make things happen. Good luck and please let me know how it goes.
Read this post tomorrow, and comment on how many Points you got!