Thursday, April 27, 2006


Am I the only person in the world who finds any sort of repetition excruciating? If its copying and pasting, daily tasks, commuting. I know some who find comfort in routine, and for some things a routine is handy but I get bored so easily. I have a consistent urge to be acting in a creative or useful way. If I'm not contributing towards my own or somebody else's future success I feel stagnant. Very irritating. I need a maid, preferably very attractive with a skimpy outfit ;)

Today I've been mostly working on my website project. I noticed a link that was broken across about 15 different files. So after opening them all, changing the link and saving them all... I noticed another broken link! Such is the pain of doing things in notepad...

I'm thinking about hitting huddersfield tonight, preppy style. The preppy thing is working for me again. I go through stages where I want to be smart, then I want to be dressed down. Right now every is starting to dress down for spring summer, so I'm wanting to go smart again. I'm just a rebel without a cause...

I cannot wait for the download festival

The ticket is booked, I'll be buying the tent soon. It's my summer break, with a crapload of my favorite bands.