Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kicking out the Screaming bitches

We all go out like we come in... Kicking and screaming.

Hey look I'm writing a note on facebook. I guess I must have an agenda or something to prove. But yet I as I sit here thinking about what I've written about in the past two years, and the amount of positive feedback I've had from my writing... The only thought ringing through my head is "If you don't like it, don't read it".

In the last year:

I had cancer
Moved to Leeds
Travelled to Vegas & Cancun
Quit my job
And ranted about a few thoughts.

But that last one means, I have something to prove right?

I made a decision a long time ago to take action because I believe in it, not based on what other people think. It doesn't mean my decisions are correct, just that they are mine.

So maybe I'm writing because I like to diary my thoughts, I like to read my old writing... and for every person who has some half baked psychology agenda woven into everything I say and do... We'll you will never change someone's beliefs. Yet my conscience is clear. Crystal.

Can I persuade everyone of the reasons why we as a species sometimes fail each other?

No. That's a little optimistic. But I can and will take fault for everything I ever did wrong. I do suffer from delusions of eloquence. I can be short with people when I'm stressed out, and it takes a lot to convince me I'm wrong.

But I am far from the worst for any of the above. My mum said something astonishingly brilliant yesterday on the phone, probably without realising how profound it was for me... People love to have someone to blame besides themselves.

So I stand here, taking the blame for my own action. Will anyone join me?


Jen is mod as ef. said...

Can I just say, that when I make my "In the last year" list, it always starts with "I thought I had cancer," because I am a hypochondriac. The fact that you had it and won, makes you automatically more cool than I. Curses.