Monday, January 19, 2009

Blue Monday

So apparently today is the gloomiest day of the year. "Blue Monday" & I'm listening to the blues, but then I never did buy the idea that it was depressing genre. It's more of a release valve for emotion. Today is characterised more by boredom & impatience than anything. Will the company who interviewed me get back with an answer already? I'm ready. More so than ever.

It's funny that the optimists society want to claim today as their own, and quite typical of them really. Although there is something to be said for making your own luck & persistence as opposed to pure optimism. Emotional attachment to the future is pretty useless. To quote the turtle from Kung Fu panda who is hella wise:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why they call it the present

How cool is that! Listening to a Will Smith interview with Radio 1 was revealing. He was saying he almost struggles to dwell on & remember bad times. It sounded familiar. Who needs bad times, fun can be made. All we gotta do is go make it. Easy really :)


Jen is mod as ef. said...

What's unfortunate for you is that here in Los Angeles, Silver Lake specifically, we have a wine tasting event called Blue Mondays. Every Monday from 5pm- 9pm PST. They even bring in cheese! In my opinion, if that is a Blue Monday, then it is a fun Blue Monday. More like Cerulean Monday or Robin's Egg Blue Monday.

How bout it England?

Sy said...

Your logic is unquestionable.